Importance Of Technology In Online Examination

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Online examination technology means conducting examination online with the help of the internet for each and every course that is running in every university. The technology of online examination is typically comprised of three applications. They are the following.

  • Application of question bank maintenance
  • Application of exam processing
  • Application of report generation

Application of question bank maintenance

This application deals with the aim of maintaining a question bank. The modules that are supposed to be contained in this application are the following.

  • Entry check: It enables the user to select the subject and check the entry of faculty before entering or updating questions with the help of a login form.
  • Question Entry: With this, an authorized faculty can enter new questions in the form of text and image into the database.
  • Question editor: In this module, the authorized faculty can modify existing questions as well as delete questions.
  • Mention the details of student and course in the database
  • Create tables that are essential for conducting exams

Application of Exam processing

Conducting the exam and storing the results of each and every candidate in the order of the subject is the main purpose of the exam processing application.

This application also stores the questions and the answers given by each candidate in the proof table that will help for future verification. The modules contained in this application are the following.

Connecting to the database: In this module, the database is connected to the application with the help of user credentials like user id, server name, and password. Once it is connected to the database successfully, the application will display the login form of the student.

Student identification: This step allows the candidate to enter his/her credentials such as roll number, user id, and password that are given by the authority. If the login is successful, the question form will be displayed in front of the candidate with all the required options.

Result submission: If the candidate clicks the ‘submit’ button that is visible at the bottom of the question form after answering all the questions, the application will store the details of all questions and the answers given by the candidate. It also compares with correct answers and the marks reports will be displayed soon to the candidate.

Application of report generation

With this application, the authority can produce a report of the examination result semester wise, course wise, or roll number wise. The authority can also store the results of the exam in an excel file with the help of this application. The modules comprised in this application are the following.

Entry screen: In this module, the entire subject codes of every course or semester for which the authority conducts the examination will be displayed.

Marks report of every course: Semester wise, subject wise or course wise marks reports will be generated by this module.

The report is transferring to an excel file: This module will make the authority able to take the excel copy of the mag reports that are generated.

Bottom Line

The importance of technology in the online examination is increasing day to day and so most of the universities have now adopted this method to make their exam process easy and fast without errors

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