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Importance of Technology in the Entertainment Industry

Importance of Technology in the Entertainment Industry
Importance of Technology in the Entertainment Industry

Today, it is easy to see the advantages brought by technology in each sector of our lives. From the alarm clocks that wake us up every morning to the bedside lamps that we turn off at night before we close our eyes, technology had truly touched all aspects of our lives.

All of us have even become quite dependent on technology since it made our daily tasks easier for us. Now, with just a small tablet, we can watch the latest episode of our favorite TV shows, check our e-mails, catch up with our friends via Facebook and even shop for the things that we need in online shops.

One industry that greatly benefited from the developments in technology is the entertainment industry.

The advantages of technology in this industry is extreme that it had even come to the point that information technology already changed the way the entertainment industry operates.

These remarkable developments in technology had paved way to the evolution of previously existing tools as well as emergence of new materials such as satellites, cable television, compact disks, high definition cameras, video editing tools and many more. Read on to find more about how technology benefited the entertainment industry.

Importance of Technology in the Entertainment Industry

Lightings. Due to the developments made in technology for the past decades, lighting technology had also improved in the entertainment industry. Lighting is a critical element in production of different kinds of media materials such as films and videos. Even in live shows such as ballets and concerts, proper lighting is utilized to provide a better performance or show to the audience.

Shot-taking. Even the equipments used in filming have changed drastically. In the past, four men are needed to operate one camera but now; only one person is needed to do the job. The entertainment industry also now uses high definition cameras which help capture everything in a scene and showcase them more clearly.

Video Editing. Today, video editing is made easy due to the various computer programs that people can easily use to assemble different shots needed to produce a good film. Other editing effects can also be added without hassle such as slow motion, dissolve, over blowing of color and many more. Background music or other sound effects can also be easily added in a scene. With the use of a computer, mistakes or errors can easily be undone. Editors also use computer to store the parts that they have already edited so it will not be jeopardized by others.

Computer-generated imagery (CGI). This is another method of editing a video with the use of computer graphics. But the term “CGI” is most commonly used to refer to 3D computer graphics and this is the reason why it is separated from video editing. With CGI, people can easily create a virtual world that is purely-based on animations. These are commonly used in animated films as well as 3D movies.

Bottom Line

Technology had truly brought important advantages to the entertainment industry. The mentioned benefits above only pertain in producing films and shows. It does not even include the effect of technology in distributing these forms of media. We should all really be thankful of these technological developments.

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