Home Impact of Technology Impact of Technology on the New Generation

Impact of Technology on the New Generation

Impact of Technology on the New Generation
Impact of Technology on the New Generation

The 90’s and 2000’s generation of children are what we might consider the in-between. These generations have been witnesses to some of the most life-changing technologies invented while also keeping a memory of childhood that involves a lot of outdoor activities.

Technology has come a long way and these generations have seen most of it happen in a few decades.Technology has brought many good (and not-so-good) things in our lives. There are pros, there are cons, but we can all admit that technology has made our lives a lot more convenient.

Physical & Social Impact

On a physical view, today’s generation are a lot more accustomed to games played on technology based gadgets such as computers, tablets and gaming systems.

Older generations have known physical games such as running and using physical aspects to play. This alone shows a huge difference and impact on children before and children today.

Lack of physical exposure and lack of exercise can have untoward physical side effects to children as they grow older.

The good thing is that younger generations have wider scopes in terms of socialization, because of social media, where they can make friends and stay connected to friends from far away.

The downside of this is children are more reliable with virtual and online socialization that actual socialization are somewhat taken for granted. In some cases, children prefer to “chat” than actually talk face to face with their friends.

Impact of Technology on the New Generation

Culture is one of the most impacted factor of technology in new generations. For instance, conventional means of conversations and communication are overridden by new ways to communicate. Although this means a good move towards improvement and advancement, some may say that preserving in these aspects should also be given importance.

Intellectual Impact

A subject of many debates, the intellectual impacts of technology to younger generations have many pros and many cons. Learning is easier and quicker for younger generations nowadays.

Learning materials can be easily accessed online, but a question is raised whether being able to access anything online is also safe for children. There have been parental control technologies launched and these have helped.

Another question is raised as to how younger generations become more reliant on the easy-access to answers without the need to research the answers themselves.

The debate continues.The 90’s and 2000’s generation of children are what we might consider the in-betweens. These generations have been witnesses to some of the most life-changing technologies invented while also keeping a memory of childhood that involves a lot of outdoor activities.

Bottom Line

Technology has come a long way and these generations have seen most of it happen in a few decades.Technology has brought many good (and not-so-good) things in our lives.

There are pros, there are cons, but we can all admit that technology has made our lives a lot more convenient. What exactly is the impact of technology on the new generation?

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